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Quidem announce BBC collaboration for Fertility Week 2019

Special cross network partnership to mark huge on-air fertility conversation

BBC Radio 2 and BBC Radio 5 Live are pooling resources and collaborating alongside indie, Quidem Productions Ltd, to mark Fertility Week in the UK at the end of October.

With live link ups between the networks, a special homepage and digital content plus stories from people who have been through everything from baby loss; egg donation; fertility issues when you already have a child and what it’s like to go through fertility treatment as a same sex couple or if you’re from a Muslim community, the producers hope to help support those experiencing a difficult road to parenthood, as well as those around them.

BBC Radio 5 Live is staging a network-wide Fertility Day on Tuesday 29th October which is part of the partnership between the stations for Fertility Week. It will feature candid conversation about all aspects of fertility and creating families, specifically looking at fertility in BAME communities, embryo adoption, fertility in the workplace and male infertility amongst other subjects. On its digital platforms 5 Live will also be reflecting the day, sharing stories, expert tips and celebrity experiences.

Alice Rose, director for Quidem and fertility communication consultant across the two stations for the week, also runs a fertility podcast and raises awareness about ‘things not to say’:

“This is a hugely important collaborative cross-network social action campaign. Infertility and related topics like baby-loss affect millions of people with deeply personal stories. Many find difficulty in talking about it. We want to thank the BBC for really getting behind our Fertility Week proposal and working together in order to try and make the journey feel less daunting and help to connect anyone feeling isolated or misunderstood by their experience.

Content focuses on the best ways to support and educate not just those experiencing infertility but the people around them; their healthcare professionals, family, friends and colleagues.

Alice added: “Instagram and social media has a hugely engaged ‘trying to conceive’ (TTC) community with more than a million #ttc hashtags. It’s a global phenomenon which has only been in existence for a couple of years and thanks to the support people are finding online, it is changing their experience and helping them cope; but not everyone knows about it. We are delighted that mainstream media are helping to spread the word and with such a comprehensive programming effort between the brands.”

A special web page with content and support will be at and BBC Sounds will also feature a highlights package from both networks.

Alice Rose 07949 389213

BBC Fertility Week Consultant

Quidem Productions Ltd, Creative Development Director

Fertility Advocate, Content Creator,

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